Saturday, May 11, 2013


This is my Monkey Addison.  It has almost been two years since she graced us  with her presence, and I realize how much joy she has brought me.  To say it is always giggles and laughter would be a lie, but she has blessed me.  She shows me how to laugh at myself, when she scares me or sprays me with water bottles.  Addison has taught me to slow down, I always am rushing and doing, but she'll look at me and pat the place next to her and says "Mommy" as if there is nothing else I should be doing.  Her ability to learn, makes me want to have the answers to her upcoming questions. When she anger and frustrated it makes me realize how I should communicate better, or show justice in the moment. Her manipulation at bed time, when she says "eat" just to prolong sleep, she knows I'll give in (everytime).  Everyday with her just reminds me of my need of a Savior. It is the cry of my heard is for her to know the Lord, and trust Him.  I can't raise her in my own strength, and I can't save her either.  I have to allow Christ's love to show through me, and give her the chance to meet him daily.  Share His word and deeds!
                    Lord, be with this Monkey of mine. 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb. 11

Winter wonderland turns into fun at work. Natalie and I attempted to make a starbucks snowman. however, the snow was not very good to compact, so we failed. but it was fun while we tried.
Feb. 10
Winter wonderland continued. This is the pipe that outside our front door. I thought it looked cool. I am ready for the snow to go away. the sun was out today, and it made me want spring, badly
Feb. 9

as i said there was more snow to come. Tuesday we got about 7 inches of snow. This is the view at my bus stop (allen's car is still busted so we are taking turns riding the bus) I worked that day, and it was slow, but the snow was beautiful.
Feb. 7

while we were gone in st. charles they got about a half an inch of snow. louisville got about 2. this is a fly by pictures, 64 east towards louisville. yet, there was more snow to come.
Feb. 6

This was an awesome day, we went to Tandy's leather and got scraps to make journals. Then we went to a local brewery and drank awesome beer. Then we all went to a casino, it was my first time, i won 7 dollars. yeah! Then we went and hung out with Jess' family. It was a great time.
Feb. 5

Jess works at starbucks, so even on the mini vacation i spent the night at starbucks. During the day, allen and I hung out with Jess, then went antiquing. Then the boys and I hung out played wii, ate pizza and visited jess. We also got to hear all about Andy's NOLS experience, it was awesome